Rugion Dienstleistungen Job Markt Immobilien

Ilya Derevyaga

breeder of Spitz
Рязанская 32, 300012 Тула
☏ +79056201257 ✉

Europa | Waren | Pflanzen, Tiere | Angebot


2.000,00 EUR

11.05.2019 | 2795 |

Offered for sale cream, white, black and brown puppies Spitz. Black and tan age 1.5 months, white, cream, age 2 and 3 months. Delivery in Europe, the shipping cost is negotiated separately. Reliable couriers deliver the child to the address. Puppies in Russia. There is a great experience of selling to different countries. All dogs and puppies are growing on freedom. Natural food and feed.